Sunday, July 1, 2007

images of india [3= moonu]

dolphin's nose at dawn (an official picture)
my friend Peter and i on our little hike to Dolphin's Nose
from Dolphin's Nose there is a clear view to Perumal (if it is not obscured by clouds/mist). Perumal is the funny-shaped peak with the eucalyptus-tree-buzz-cut on top. there is a local saying that "he is a fool who has not ascended Perumal. he is equally a fool who has ascended it more than once." peter and i happen to be...the second kind of fool.
view from Dolphin's Nose
view down to the plains from Dolphin's Nose
he caught me.
parting shot.
on another hike, to Cloudlands Peak, we took along our friend Joel, who is sitting at one of our rest spots, the bell tower of an abandoned church
and we dragged along my sister Kara, too [gasp]
KISAQUA the most refreshing kind ^_^ [specially labelled for the Kodaikanal International School class of 2007]

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